
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Three conferences on medieval Hungary

Three interesting conferences in the next few days will focus on different aspects of Hungarian medieval history and art.

The first conference, to be held on October 16 at Székesfehérvár, focuses on King Charles Robert (1308-1342), Hungary's first king of the Neapolitan Angevin dynasty. The conference, organized by the Museum of the Bishopric of Székesfehérvár, is to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the coronation of Charles Robert. Although Charles ruled from 1308, only his third coronation in 1310 was accepted as fully legal (with the Holy Crown, by the archbishop of Esztergom and at Székesfehérvár). The conference is titled Charles Robert and Székesfehérvár, and talks will focus on aspects of his coronation, his heraldic representation, seals and coinage. Art historical topics will include Hungarian luxury manuscripts from the Angevin period, and also the Angevin royal tombs at Székesfehérvár.

The program can be seen below, or at this link. (Language: Hungarian)

The following day (Oct. 17th) a workshop will begin at the Central European University, running until October 19. Organized by the Department of Medieval Studies and the King Matthias Museum of Visegrád, the workshop is titled Centers of Power and Spiritual Life in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period: Mendicant Orders in the Context of Urban Development and Royal Patronage. The workshop focuses on the role of the mendicant orders in the life of Central European urban centers, and will include visits to a number of such sites in Budapest and Visegrád. A description and the full program is available at the website of the Medieval Studies department.

The third conference, to be held on October 19-20 at Budapest and Piliscsaba, will focus on the first monastic order, the Benedictines. Titled Heritage and Mission: The Benedictines in Hungary, the conference is jointly organized by the Hungarian Benedictine Congregation, the Sapientia Theological College and the Faculty of Humanities of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Various sections in the program of the conference will be dedicated to art historical topics, such as Benedictine architecture in medieval Hungary. The full program is available on the websites of all three organizers: here, here and here. (Language: Hungarian)

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