
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Upcoming events in Budapest

The following events will no doubt be of interest to medieval art historians in Budapest.

November 18 (Thursday): Open debate and defense of the doctoral dissertation of Imre Takács at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is to become a Doctor of the Hungarian Academy (a much higher level than a PhD, see here). His dissertation is titled: Reception of Gothic in the Kingdom of Hungary at the time of King Andrew II (1205-1235). Imre Takács is the director of the Museum of Applied Arts. More info on the website of the Academy.

November 24 (Wednesday): Dedication of a room at the Art History Department at ELTE named after Lajos Fülep, Hungary's great art historian. Also, the presentation of the annual prizes awarded by the Department. For more info, see here.

November 25 (Thursday): Presentation of two books published by the László Teleki Foundation. I wrote on both books here before: one is by Márton Sarkadi about Gyulafehérvár cathedral, the other was edited by Tibor Kollár on medieval architecture in southern Hungary. The books will be presented by Ernő Marosi, Szilárd Papp, and Judit Tamási, see here.

Menawhile, the Natalie Zimon Davies Annual lectures are still going on at the Medieval Studies Department of CEU.

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