
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Presentation of three books on medieval Slavonia

Three new books on medieval Slavonia will be presented next week at the Central European University of Budapest. All three books are registers, mostly dedicated to the early medieval artistic production and culture between the Sava and the Drava rivers. The first book, Register of Sites and Monuments of Earlier Medieval Art between the Sava and the Drava Rivers, covers 565 medieval sites in northern Croatia with short descriptions and bibliography. The Register of Archaeological Finds and Sites in Bjelovar-Bilogora County lists all the known cultural sites in Bjelovar-Bilogora County from prehistory to the Late Middle Ages. The volume entitled Discovered Plains is dedicated to medieval art (mostly architecture) in eastern Slavonia.

The books will be presented by József Laszlovszky (CEU), Miklós Takács (Institute of Archaeology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences) and Béla Zsolt Szakács (CEU/Pázmány Péter Catholic University).

The books to be presented are the following: 

VLADIMIR PETER GOSS: Registar položaja i spomenika ranije srednjovjekovne umjetnosti u međurjecju Save i Drave [Register of Sites and Monuments of Early Medieval Art between the Sava and the Drava River]

GORAN JAKOVLJEVIC: Registar arheoloških nalaza i nalazišta Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije [Register of Archaeological Finds and Sites in Bjelovar-Bilogora County]

VJEKOSLAV JUKIC: Otkrivena ravnica: srednjovjekovna umjetnost istocne Slavonije [Discovered Plains: the Medieval Art of Eastern Slavonia]

The event will be at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12, 2012 at CEU #409 (Budapest, V. Nádor u. 9.)

The official invitation is available on the website of the Medieval Studies Department of CEU. More information on the books is available at

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