As I wrote on this blog before, a number of books were published on Hungarian medieval wall-painting in recent years. A French researcher of medieval Hungarian painting, Marie Lionnet wrote a detailed and knowledgeable review of some of these publications, which was published in the journal of the French Institute of Art History,
Perspective. Books reviewed include the
Festschrift to Ernő Marosi, the book of Mihály Jánó on the research history of medieval wall painting in Transylvania - which was mention
in this blog post before - as well as two books to which I contributed (and wrote about
Marie Lionnet wrote her doctoral dissertation on late medieval wall painting in the Kingdom of Hungary, you can read a pdf version of her conclusions
The full text of the journal
Perspective is only available on a
subscription basis. Thanks to the kindness of the author, and with permission of the publisher, I am able to provide the full text of the review, which you can access by
clicking here. (This will open in Google docs - you might want to save a PDF copy for easier reading).
Full citation for the article is as follows:
Marie Lionnet: "Histoire de la peinture médiévale dans le royaume de Hongrie", dans
Perspective, La revue de l'INHA, 2010/2011-2, décembre 2010, p. 384-389 (